August 2023 PrayerNet

Mon 31 July

AFES Evangelism || “And when [the Holy Spirit] comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment:” (John 16:8) | The Holy Spirit is the great evangelist! When we speak God’s word, the Spirit does God’s work. Pray that we would depend on the Spirit, not ourselves, to save others. Pray for 5 friends you long for God to save.

Pray for Orange CS CSU students, that they would continue to be great at inviting friends to the group. Pray for the selection of a new student committee at the AGM on 1 August, that God would be raising up students to lead next year.

Tue 1 August

Please pray for Bathurst Christian Students at Charles Sturt University as they meet on 1 August for a talk on ‘God the Great Uncanceller’; that members would invite friends to hear the gospel.

Pray for the Uni Bible Study at Charles Sturt University, Albury-Wodonga and their ‘Food for Thought’ night on 1 August; that UBS members will be courageous in inviting their friends along and that all who attend will be challenged to think critically about the question, “Where is the world going?”, and become increasingly convicted of the unshakeable hope found in Jesus.

Wed 2

Pray for Port Mac Christian Students as they hold a Fireside Night event on 2 August. Pray that students are bold to invite non-Christian friends, and that there are many good gospel conversations.

Pray for the Mark Drama at Australian National University, Canberra FOCUS on 2-3 August; that students would be bold in inviting friends and that many hearts would be transformed through the gospel. Pray for fruitful conversations afterwards and for God to continue work through their mission talks.

Thu 3

Pray for Graduate Christian Union at the University of Melbourne for the upcoming ‘Mission Week’ in early August; that GCU students may be bold in inviting friends to the student talks and that God may give the students the words to speak in proclaiming the Gospel, that many may come to faith in Christ.

AFES FOCUS || Pray for the Matthew Meek and Jon Baird during the IFES World Assembly from 2-9 August as they seek to connect with leaders of movements sending international students to Australia.

Fri 4

Pray for the University of Western Australia Christian Union as they go into their Semester 2 Mission event from 31 July-11 August; that many would attend and that those running the events would be able to proclaim Jesus’ faithfully and lovingly.

Pray for the Campus Bible Ministries at Western Sydney University, Campbelltown welcome stall in the first week of August; that CBM can show their presence on campus.

Sat 5

Give thanks for Campus Bible Study at University of NSW Unichurch and FOCUS Church as students make public declarations of faith and are baptised. Pray students will be inviting family and friends along.

Prayer for Bendigo Christian Union at La Trobe University, Bendigo Wednesday night Bible Talks and training as students pray for each other, engage with God’s word through the book of Philippians and are trained in helpful and practical ways to become more Christ-like.

Pray for Murdoch Christians United at Murdoch University, WA during Semester 2; that the students will feel refreshed and ready to proclaim the gospel on campus. Pray for strength to keep energy levels high throughout the whole semester.

Sun 6

Pray for the 4 non-Christian International students who attended the Flinders Evangelical Students, Flinders University, Adelaide Mid-Year Conference; that what they heard and the fellowship they experienced will draw them closer to Jesus, and in time they will call upon Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.

Pray that Bundoora Christian Union at La Trobe University, Bundoora can foster a space for people to grow as leaders and take on the potential challenge of leading a Bible study for the first time, in a safe and welcoming community.

Mon 7

AFES Evangelism || “Jesus answered, “… For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18:37) | Thank God; that they find truth in Jesus and his words. Pray for one person you can read the gospel with this Semester.

Thank God for the committed students at Campus Bible Ministries at Western Sydney University, Penrith who helped run the Week 1 stall.

Thank God for the University of Southern Queensland Christian Students Mid-Year Camp and pray that God will work in the students’ hearts about the MYC topic: the ‘Final Authority of God’s Word’.

Tue 8

Pray for Credo at the University of Technology Sydney‘ and their ‘Launch 2.0’ on 8 August; that many new students will be reached who have not yet engaged with Credo and Jesus.

Pray that in line with the AFES Mission statement we will constantly be in prayerful dependence upon God for all that we do on every campus for his glory.

Praise God for the time Canberra Christian Society at Australian Catholic University spent at ‘Focal Point’ with ANU, UC and ADFA FOCUS.

Wed 9

Thank God for the recent North Terrace Evangelical Students Mid-Year Conference; that everyone who attended will continue to have their hearts open to hear from God and that First Year students will be particularly encouraged to keep coming to ES.

Give thanks for the visitors who came to the Orange Christian Students at Charles Sturt University invitation night in late July. Pray for good ongoing Gospel conversations and that many would come along to the group in following weeks.

Thu 10

Please pray for Geelong Christian Union FOCUS at Deakin University‘s ‘Identity Over Time’ event on 10 August; that many new students will be invited and feel welcomed to join, particularly members of the LGBTQ+ community and that all may be respectful to each other and have open hearts for God’s word.

Pray for the new Orange CS CSU committee as they settle into their new roles having been elected at the AGM on 1 August. Give thanks for the outgoing committee and their models of service and leadership.

Fri 11

Pray for the cohesion of the Ballarat Christians at Uni team at Federation University and that this small team feeling will not feel too burdened with the heavy workload of planning outreach and orientation.

Pray for RMIT Christian Union, Bundoora; that those who’ve signed up through CU evangelistic efforts will come to the ‘Bundy Mundy’ meetings and grow in their faith in reading the Word of God and having fellowship with Christians.

Sat 12

AFES Apprenticeships || Ask God to enable the Trainers of Ministry Apprentices to deeply love the apprentices, pouring their lives and gospel truth into them. Pray that God will give the Trainers energy and insight as they shape the convictions, character and competencies of the apprentices.

Pray for the Student Christian Movement (IFES Bahamas) and thank God for the ministry that has grown in the Bahamas. Pray that SCM’s participation in IFES would bring new blessings both at home and for the wider global fellowship.

Pray that international students who have attended the Evangelical Students at the University of South Australia weekly ‘Snack & Chat’ events across the semester will keep coming to ES and be willing to have deeper conversations about life and faith.

Sun 13

Pray for UBS CSU Albury-Wodonga as they participate in Open Day on 13 August; that those who visit the UBS stall will be encouraged by the presence of a Christian club on the campus and that every brief conversation they have will be uplifting and gospel-centred.

Pray for the James Cook University, Cairns Christian Students this semester; that they will be a light for Christ on campus and have the strength and resilience to endure the challenges of a new semester at university.

Pray for the evangelistic 1:1 and small group Bible studies at Subbies and FOCUS at the University of Tasmania; that more students will join these Bible studies, hear the gospel and turn to Christ.

Mon 14

Pray AFES Evangelism || “Jesus, knowing; that all was now finished, said (to fulfill the Scripture), “I thirst.” … When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” (John 19:28, 30) | Praise God; that Jesus willingly gave up his life to finish God’s work of salvation. Pray for 5 friends who don’t yet know this.

Give thanks with the University Fellowship of Christians at the University of Tasmania, Launceston to God for the work He has done this year, building a group of Christians who want to grow. Pray that UFC Launceston will continue to prayerfully depend on God.

Tue 15

Pray for Griffith Christian Students at Griffith University, Brisbane and thank God for the friendships formed and joyful time in God’s Word at MYC. Pray that in Trimester 2 the students of GCS Brisbane will continue to grow in love for God’s Word and would carefully consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.

Pray that Monash Parkville Christian Union leaders will have wisdom leading bible studies and planning outreach events for the coming semester.

Wed 16

Pray for CBS students at UNSW as they begin Term 2 exams; that they will continue with Bible reading, prayer and dependence on Jesus

Pray for North Terrace ES, Adelaide as they prepare for ‘Jesus Week’ in week 4; that many will come to the ‘Jesus Week’ events, particularly non-Christians.

Pray that in line with AFES’ first value, by His grace, God will transform lives on our campuses into the likeness of Jesus.

Thu 17

Pray for the ES Flinders Uni Adelaide ‘Jesus Week’ team; that they will have wisdom and perseverance and that Jesus Week will draw those on campus into a relationship with Jesus.

Pray that USQ Christian Students keep prioritising meeting up to read the Bible on campus amidst the busyness of Uni and their studies.

Fri 18

Pray for Western Vic CU‘s upcoming bloke’s camp and women’s camp from 18-20 August; that many will be able to attend and will grow with each other in learning from God’s word and how it applies to them as men and women in Christ.

Pray for Melbourne Uni GCU and their upcoming ‘Changeover Camp’ of student committees, from 18-20 August; that God may equip new leaders for the Gospel.

Pray for Subbies & FOCUS UTAS and the FOCUS UTAS ‘Story Night’ on 18 August where FOCUS Christian students and apprentices will share testimonies with an international non-Christian audience about Jesus’ work in their lives. Pray that they will share God’s story through their story faithfully and that these non-Christian friends will hear the gospel clearly through their sharing too.

Sat 19

Pray for BCU Fed Uni and for the large proportion of international Christians students at the uni; that the club may show love to these students as they start to settle into their new environment.

Pray that ES UniSA Adelaide students will grow in the understanding of God and his character through the Bible studies on John, especially for the non-Christian  international student who has joined ES.

Sun 20

Pray for Bathurst CS CSU as they serve at Open Day by making pancakes on 20 August.

Pray for new international students this semester at ANU FOCUS; that they would be welcomed well and drawn in to learn more about Jesus.

Mon 21

AFES Evangelism || ‘Jesus said to us again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” (John 20:21) | As God sent Jesus, and Jesus sent his first disciples, pray; that they too would go to offer God’s life and love to his broken and dying world.

Pray for Port Mac Christian Students as a staff worker runs a workshop for students on how to share the gospel with international students; that it is a fruitful session that leads to more international students checking out Jesus on campus.

Tue 22

AFES Apprenticeships || As they enter seasons of heightened evangelism on many campuses, pray that God will grant Apprentices many opportunities to evangelise (public and personal) and to equip and encourage students in evangelism, that the name of Christ might ring across their campuses.

Pray that AFES will double our reach in calling people to turn back to Jesus in repentance and faith by 2025.

Wed 23

Pray for the Uni Fellowship Launceston; that they may be a group that is courageous and bold to speak God’s word to each other as well as non-Christian peers.

Thu 24

Pray for RMIT CU City campus’ following the recent campus orientation event; that God would draw many interested souls into hearing the gospel and the good news that it provides for sinners like us.

Pray for the leaders of Campus Evangelical Fellowship (IFES Taiwan) as CEF enters a full and formal affiliation with our global fellowship; that they will be filled with the Holy Spirit as they steer the movement into a new season.

Fri 25

Pray for CCS ACU Canberra as they prepare for Semester 2 and think about how they can use the new common lunch hour at ACU to spread God’s word.

Pray for GCS Griffith Uni Brisbane as they read Mark 9-13 in Main Meetings this trimester; that as God’s Word is preached, students would grow to deeply know and love the Lord Jesus. Pray that as students taste God’s Word, they would be emboldened to proclaim Christ to friends and invite them along to Main Meetings.

Sat 26

Pray for CBM WSU Campbelltown and their next semester of bible studies; that people will continue signing up for bible studies as they explore Mark.

Pray that Monash Parkville CU members will be receptive of God’s Word when they share fellowship with one another.

Sun 27

Pray for the Bendigo CU La Trobe Blokes Camp and Girls Getaway from 18-20 August; that their brothers and sisters in Christ can devote time in community to prayer, worship and being in God’s word, exploring the theme of ‘From Distraction to Devotion.’

AFES FOCUS || Pray for the follow up of new international students from the recent mid-year intake.

Mon 28

AFES Evangelism || “[Jesus] breathed on us and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.” (John 20:22-23) | God offers forgiveness to sinners through his people speaking about Jesus’ death and lordship. Ask God to work through you to bring forgiveness to your uni.

Pray for MENA (IFES Middle East and North Africa): for God’s protection and encouragement for brothers and sisters in Francophone Africa and MENA as they minister in challenging environments.

Tue 29

Pray for Credo UTS‘ Faculty Getaways; that people would be learning and growing in knowledge of God, while having fruitful fellowship in this time.

Pray that AFES will double our numbers offering themselves for Missionary Service by 2025.

Wed 30

Pray that Bundoora CU La Trobe can continue to see that they have been blessed by God, so can bless others because of this.

Pray that many students will come to the Bible studies at CBM WSU Penrith.

Thu 31

Pray for MCU Murdoch Uni WA; that their members will be excited to be part of an evening of roller skating on 31 August. Pray for boldness to invite friends along and for meaningful conversations.

Prayer Points this month from:
Campus Bible Ministries – Western Sydney University, Kensington, NSW || Asher McNally
Geelong Christian Union – Deakin University, Geelong, VIC || Nick Gill
Evangelical Students – Flinders University, Adelaide, SA || Daniel Hill-Brown
Evangelical Students – University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA || Sarah Watson
Ballarat Christians at Uni – Federation University, Ballarat, VIC || Jonathan Brown
University Fellowship of Christians – University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS || Matthew Griffioen
Christian Union – RMIT, Melbourne, VIC || Mitchell Ward
Bathurst Christian Students – Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, NSW || Jess Murray
Uni Bible Study – Charles Sturt University, Albury-Wodonga, NSW || Marie Knight
Campus Bible Ministries – Western Sydney University, Campbelltown, NSW || Glenn Malyn
Canberra Christian Society – Australian Catholic University, Canberra, ACT || Gabi Kaizik
Bendigo Christian Union – La Trobe University, Bendigo, VIC || Meshach Begg
Bundoora Christian Union – La Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC || Talia Adams
Murdoch Christians United – Murdoch University, Perth, WA || Karli Beukes
Christian Students – University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, QLD || Tomin George
Orange Christian Students – Charles Sturt University, Orange, NSW || Greg Blanch
FOCUS – University of Canberra, ACT || Kogul Komi
Subbies and FOCUS – University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS || Yumin Ichikawa
FOCUS – Australian National University, Canberra, ACT || Lucy Millar
Graduate Christian Union – Melbourne University, Parkville, VIC || Bryan Hung
Evangelical Students – University of South Australia – Mawson Lakes, Adelaide, SA || Kate Edwards
Port Macquarie Christian Students – CSU, UNSW, UON: Port Macquarie, NSW || Keziah McIntosh
Christian Students – James Cook University, Cairns, QLD || Bhasu Hemachandra
Christian Union – University of Western Australia, Perth, WA || Edward Charles
Griffith Christian Students – Griffith University, Brisbane, QLD || Nathanael Duffy
Christian Union – Monash University, Parkville, Melbourne, VIC || Joleen Lau
Credo – University of Technology, Sydney, NSW || Timothy Jones
AFES Apprenticeships Strategy Team
AFES FOCUS Strategy Team
AFES Evangelism Strategy Team