September 2023 PrayerNet

Wed 30 August

Pray that Bundoora CU La Trobe can continue to see that they have been blessed by God, so can bless others because of this.

Pray that many students will come to the Bible studies at CBM WSU Penrith.

Thu 31 August

Pray for MCU Murdoch Uni WA; that their members will be excited to be part of an evening of roller skating on 31 August. Pray for boldness to invite friends along and for meaningful conversations.

Fri 1 September

Pray for Charles Darwin University ChristiansDarwin, NT and their Christianity Explored course along with their main talks from Ecclesiastes at each ‘Friday Night Connect’; that Jenny will explain the gospel clearly and people will be prepared to accept the good news of Christ.

Pray that the new students Evangelical Students at the University of South Australia met during ‘Jesus Week’ would connect deeper in Bible studies and be saved.

Sat 2

Pray for Bathurst Christian Students at Charles Sturt University and praise God for the opportunity the new committee had to meet together at the end of August to plan for the upcoming year.

Pray for Canberra Christian Society at Australian Catholic University, Canberra as they try to engage more students to be involved with small groups and social events.

Sun 3

Pray for Campus Bible Ministries at Western Sydney University, Penrith‘s ‘Heightened Mission Week’ from 4-8 September: for many gospel conversations at their pancake stall as they discuss who Jesus is. Pray students will invite their friends to Bible studies, that a culture of inviting and evangelism will grow in the group and that students will be trained to better share Jesus their entire lives.

AFES Apprenticeships || As many grads across Australia consider beginning a Ministry Apprenticeship in 2024, ask God to give them courage, wisdom and insight as they make decisions.

Mon 4

AFES Evangelism || “Jesus came and stood among them … he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.”” (John 20:26-27) | Pray for the opportunity to share the eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ resurrection with your friends that they may believe and have life.

Pray for the Campus Bible Ministries at Western Sydney University, Campbelltown’s pancake stall from 4-8 September; that they will reach many non-Christians at university, encouraging them to join bible studies and think about Jesus.

Tue 5

Give thanks for IFES World Assembly, and the staff of national movements and IFES regional ministry who were refreshed and reconnected. Pray that God will continue to uphold their ministry and that such international fellowship and partnerships will be a support in difficult times.

Praise God for James Cook University, Townsville Christian Students’ recent ‘Mark Drama’ production. Pray that God would continue to work in the hearts of those who watched it.

Wed 6

Pray for the University Fellowship of Christians at the University of Tasmania, Launceston and their free student lunch on 6 September; that the event would run smoothly, that there would be many opportunities to share the Gospel with students, and that those who are helping will be bold in sharing the Gospel.

Thu 7

Pray that in line with the AFES Mission statement we will together present students on our campuses mature in Jesus (by God’s strength).

Pray for Newcastle Christian Students at the University of Newcastle and the continued growth of Monday night Bible Talks.

Fri 8

AFES FOCUS || Thank God for the mid-year international student intake. Pray that new contacts can be follow-up well.

Pray for Uni Bible Study at Charles Sturt University, Albury-Wodonga, and their upcoming ‘Uni Leavers’ Day on 9 September; that it will equip final year students to think biblically about church, work, and money as they prepare to leave uni.

Sat 9

Pray for the Sydney University Evangelical Union‘s ‘Project 200’ conference from 9-10 September; that students would consider full time ministry and submit their futures and aspirations to Christ.

Pray that students who hear the Gospel though the testimonies of Flinders Evangelical Students, Flinders University, Adelaide students who are wearing their Jesus Week Jumpers this week in early September, will have the opportunity to respond to the gospel and continue to dive into existential questions which find fulfilment in God’s plans for their lives.

Sun 10

Pray that the students at Australian National University, Canberra FOCUS would grow in their love for Jesus and boldness in having gospel conversations with their classmates.

Pray for Griffith Christian Students at Griffith University, Brisbane as students seek to foster a culture of being regular in the Word. Pray for ABC groups to be meeting continually and for students individually to depend upon the unshakeable truth of the Bible, especially as they have opportunities to share the gospel on campus.

Mon 11

AFES Evangelism || “Thomas answered [Jesus], “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”” (John 20:28-29) | The right response to encountering the risen Jesus – even through word and not sight – is belief and worship! Pray that God would open the eyes of 5 friends to see this.

Pray for University of Western Australia Christian Union as they hold their Girls and Guys nights on 12 September; that it would be a time for the students to unwind and relax during a busy semester, and that the students would be able to edify and encourage one another to persevere through the rest of semester.

Tue 12

Pray for Bathurst CS CSU for their AGM on 12 September; that it would run smoothly, and the new committee would be excited to step into their roles.

Pray for Murdoch Christians United at Murdoch University, WA’s ‘Q & A dinner’ on 13 September. Pray that MCU students would have the courage to invite friends, and that would God speak to those who do not trust Him yet, through His word and encourage them to ask the questions that they might have.

Wed 13

Pray for the CBM at WSU Campbelltown ‘Dialogue Dinner’ on 13 September; that people will have fruitful conversations with other Christians and non-Christians.

Pray for Monash Parkville CU’s ‘One World Festival’ and their upcoming outreach talks on campus. Pray that as they reach out to more Christian’s and non Christians, students would be excited to learn more about Jesus.

Thu 14

Pray for the students and staff at Christian Union at Deakin University Burwood, Victoria as they complete the final teaching weeks of Trimester 2. Pray that, over this busy period, God would remind them of His immense love and peace which surpasses all understanding and that that many non-Christians would come to hear the good news of Jesus and be saved.

Pray for students and CCS ACU Canberra members as the semester gets busy with assessments and placements: for peace, perseverance and a focus on God.

Fri 15

Pray for the Subbies and FOCUS at the University of Tasmania students who do not know Jesus and are reading the Bible with Christians; that God will open their eyes and heart to know Jesus and trust in Him.

Pray for Graduate Christian Union at the University of Melbourne as they start their ‘Life After Uni’ series of events. Pray that the students finishing university will be encouraged to live for Jesus in their workplaces.

Sat 16

Pray that in line with AFES’ second value, we will constantly shape all our methods, our ministries, and our mission by the Scriptures.

Pray for strength for CDU Christians NT members; that they will keep praying, reading God’s word, and be eager to apply it and pray for good relationships among brothers and sisters as well as their relationships with other non-believers in the campus. Pray that CDU Christians will be united, loving, and wise while interacting with others so that God’s kingdom will be displayed and be attractive to outsiders.

Sun 17

Give thanks for EPSA (IFES Equatorial Guinea) and the positive developments in the pioneering work in Equatorial Guinea, with support from GBU Spain. On a recent IFES-EPSA team visit, staff were encouraged to connect with about 20 students and graduates for a Bible study and found local church leaders receptive to student ministry. Pray this momentum will lead to an established ministry.

Pray that members at CBM WSU Penrith would be encouraged to share the gospel with their non-Christian friends.

Mon 18

AFES Evangelism || John says: “these [signs] are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31) | Ask God to give you the opportunity to read John’s gospel with a friend, and to give them life in Jesus’ name!

Pray for Port Macquarie Christian Students as they have their AGM on 18 September. Pray that this is a good time for reflection and praise about God’s work on campus, and that decisions made reflect Jesus’ mission.

Tue 19

Thank God for the EU Sydney Uni mission weeks earlier in the semester and the good work that God is doing in the hearts of students at Sydney University.

Pray for CS JCU Townsville students who are still exploring Christianity. Pray that those coming to bible talks and taking part in ABC bible study triplets would accept Jesus into their hearts.

Wed 20

Pray for Melbourne University Christian Union’s annual Ball on 20 September. Pray that this occasion will bring about many gospel conversations and for God’s providence in fundraising for global missions partners through this event.

Pray that the ES Flinders Uni Adelaide leadership team will continue to lead well the increasing numbers of students they have joining the ES ministry.

Thu 21

Praise God for FOCUS Sri Lanka (IFES South Asia), and the work a volunteer staff has undertaken to restart the student ministry work. With logistical support from UESI India, they ran a camp for 87 students in July. Ask for God’s protection and blessing on this volunteer and his plans to train up new staff.

Give thanks for Evangelicals on Campus, at the Australian Catholic University, North Sydney’s ‘E-week’ and the many people they met on campus. Pray that many would connect with EOC, so they can learn more about Jesus and His promises given them through the cross.

Fri 22

Pray that AFES will double our numbers offering themselves for Missionary Service by 2025.

Pray for GCS Griffith Uni Brisbane as new leaders for the Executive Committee and for campus teams are being considered. Pray that God gives wisdom in this selection process and that He would raise up students to faithfully and wholeheartedly step up to the task for the cause of the gospel.

Sat 23

Pray for the Uni Fellowship Launceston as they begin preparing for next year; that they may have an enthusiastic and dedicated leadership team so that Uni Fellowship may continue to bless the community with the gospel message.

Sun 24

Pray that UBS CSU Albury-Wodonga students will be bold in sharing their faith with their non-Christian friends and peers and that the Lord will strengthen them as they continue to prayerfully proclaim the good news of Jesus on campus.

AFES Apprenticeships || Thank God for the faithful, loving service of current Apprentices, and pray that it will bear fruit in the lost being saved and the found growing like Christ.

Mon 25

AFES Evangelism || “This is the disciple who is bearing witness about these things, and who has written these things, and we know that his testimony is true.” (John 21:24) | Thank God that we can know Jesus through the true account in the gospels. Pray for one opportunity today to share something true about Jesus with someone who doesn’t know him.

Pray for Monash Parkville Christian Union’s triplets bible study groups that begin in September. Pray that groups will have fruitful discussions and share what they learn as they explore God’s Word.

Tue 26

Pray for CU UWA Perth as they hold their AGM on 26 September; that the current committee would prepare well for the event and that God would raise up suitable members of their CU to make up the incoming committee.

Pray for the CU Deakin Uni Burwood Student Executive as they finish their term; that God would raise up new students to fill vacant roles and that students continuing next term would be equipped to serve faithfully. Pray for unified decision-making and focus on glorifying Christ at the AGM on 26 September.

Wed 27

Pray for the new Port Mac CS committee as they start their new term of serving. Pray that they will rely on God’s wisdom in decision making and have a thirst for sharing Jesus on campus.

Pray for EOC ACU North Sydney as they follow up those they have made connections with across the semester. Pray that God would fill them with wisdom and boldness as they share about Jesus with others.

Thu 28

AFES FOCUS || Pray that any camps, socials, or outreaches such as Mid-Autumn Festival (29 Sept) might help students grow in their relationships with Christ.

Pray for Melbourne Uni GCU as they undergo a re-evaluation of their current events and structure alongside the Melbourne Uni CU. Pray that they will have wisdom in deciding what structures and events will be the most helpful for students moving forward.

Fri 29

Pray for the FOCUS UTAS ‘Mid-Autumn Festival’ on 29 September; that many students who do not know Jesus will come and hear the gospel and that God will use this event for His glory.

Sat 30

Pray for MCU Murdoch Uni WA’s teaching day on 30 September. Pray that it will be a day of learning and growing for all the CU students from around Perth as they come together to learn about ‘Love, Singleness and dating’.

Prayer Points this month from:
Christian Students – Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT || Lynn Hoang
Bathurst Christian Students – Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, NSW || Jess Murray
Evangelical Students – University of South Australia – Mawson Lakes, Adelaide, SA || Stephen Scott
University Fellowship of Christians – University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS || Matthew Griffioen
Canberra Christian Society – Australian Catholic University, Canberra, ACT || Gabi Kaizik
FOCUS – Australian National University, Canberra, ACT || Lucy Millar
Christian Union – University of Western Australia, Perth, WA || Edward Charles
University Fellowship of Christians – University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS || Matthew Noble
Newcastle Christian Students – University of Newcastle, NSW || Bradley Julius
Uni Bible Study – Charles Sturt University, Albury-Wodonga, NSW || Marie Knight
Evangelical Students – Flinders University, Adelaide, SA || Daniel Hill-Brown
Subbies and FOCUS – University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS || Yumin I
Burwood Christian Union – Deakin University, Burwood, VIC || Danielle Carr
Campus Bible Ministries – Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW || Jamie Douglass
Christian Students – James Cook University, Townsville, QLD || Nathan George
Christian Union – University of Melbourne, VIC || Cody Fang
Griffith Christian Students – Griffith University, Brisbane, QLD || Nathanael Duffy
Graduate Christian Union – Melbourne University, Parkville, VIC || Zi-En Tan
Christian Union – Monash University, Parkville, Melbourne, VIC || Joleen Lau
Murdoch Christians United – Murdoch University, Perth, WA || Karli Beukes
Evangelicals on Campus – Australian Catholic University, North Sydney, NSW || James Park
Port Macquarie Christian Students – CSU, UNSW, UON: Port Macquarie, NSW || Keziah McIntosh
AFES Apprenticeships Strategy Team
AFES FOCUS Strategy Team
AFES Evangelism Strategy Team